Ok, i had to do it, i had to go. i don't know many people would ask me why, as this would be like asking why do you wake up every morning ....... you get my point.
I actually didn't have a great interest in this movie, released around christmas time, a very competitive season for films, it has been since number 1, there you go, that's the reason i paid extra to get a pair of goggles that i would later throw away for the sake of "recycling" .
Was i impressed, yes, undoubtfuly yes. why? a different story!
I went in with no expectations, there is no such thing as the best film, there are good films, there are enjoyable films and there are ones that you can just barely call, films.
Watching a 3D film goes to a higher new level of picture quality, graphic animation, was definitely the best part of this experience, the story line it self carried no new dimensions , a man, a woman, a bad guy, lots of action, a pep speech, Eco-friendly themes, divine interventions and ofcourse fresh new starts.
I love fresh new starts, i really do, i believe in them, i believe that what ever mistakes you've done , as many wrong choices as you could ever take , you're always entitled for a fresh start and if any film tells you otherwise, just look the other way.
The crucial question here is, does it deserve all the attention, the money that has been pouring, and still is (thanks partly to me!), and the appraisal by film critics, yes, film critics. i wonder which performance i didn't see caught their eyes. But this film is not about performance, it's about what computers has for the future.
But it's like trying to say that Cannes festival sucks, you can't say that, it's Cannes, with a festival, how can that ever be not great!
In other words, it's James Cameron, ok, JC , and he says that this is the best 3D film yet, enough said!
Bottom line , you will be seeing this film anyways, and whether you will like it or won't ( Highly unlikely), you may find your self telling other people that this was probably the best film you went to, why? if you have the answer , let me know!
I was also reluctant to go and watch Avatar but, especially that I don't believe in 3D cinema, and my last experience with James Cameron the so called Titanic, which is one of the worst movies ever made, but at the end I went and watched Avatar in 2D, and I was mesmerised, immersed in this magical and mythical world that Cameron created, the storyline wasn't impressive but still has good heart and good intentions, but the high score goes to the magical experience that we lived through the film, it made me not wanting to leave that world, it seems that he succeeded to touch the primitive and pure human inside each one of us that longs to go back to embrace nature and be one with it. Although it is part of consumerism culture and popular culture of spending, but still it was an amazing experience I recommend anyone to go and watch it especially in cinema, this will be one of the classics and a cult movie in the future.
I am agree with Ghazi
I have to say that i actually agree with you guys
The experience was different, like Ghazi said, it took to the world of Pandora, and i think choosing Pandora as a name for this hypothetical planet symbolizes the wonders that comes out of the screen when you go in to the theatre (although Pandora's box didn't have a lot of nice things to offer in the greek myth)
thank you for posting your opinions, Ghazi and Mesrati
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