Sunday, January 31, 2010

Beyond shores of silence

I don’t know if I can do it

Not any more

Few ages ago …

It seems since my ship left the shore

Im not sure if I can do it

It can’t be done

Believe me when I say

I think I’m not the one

I just can’t do it

Don’t ask me why

The old tower’s clock, had stopped

There’s just not enough time to buy

I just can’t do it

I can’t fake that smile

It happens well often

People change with time

I just can’t do it

But I have a mile to go

Through the land of stony roses

Where lizards live under warm snow

You just can’t do it

The old man once said

You know, they all lose a thing

One lost a heart and another dropped a head

He just can’t do it

They said and looked at each other

He can’t cross the river of silence

Another fool, why should we bother

He just won’t do it

A father told his son

No human rides the phoenix

… Slaying dragons .. without a sword or a gun

… And although we may have few suns

... Everyday

... You may only choose one

He just might do it

Said a blind man from the crowd

You may feel if you close your eyes

You won't see your chains rooted to the ground

…You may hear well if you’re blind like me

... A man’s heartbeat is more than a sound

Do it

I said to myself, as I left the shore

What to lose

More than you’ve already lost before

I gazed at them

As my ship’s course was all set

Don’t have faith in me

Old man

But you haven’t seen the last of me

… YET!

Sunday, January 24, 2010

My take on Avatar

Ok, i had to do it, i had to go. i don't know many people would ask me why, as this would be like asking why do you wake up every morning ....... you get my point.
I actually didn't have a great interest in this movie, released around christmas time, a very competitive season for films, it has been since number 1, there you go, that's the reason i paid extra to get a pair of goggles that i would later throw away for the sake of "recycling" .

Was i impressed, yes, undoubtfuly yes. why? a different story!
I went in with no expectations, there is no such thing as the best film, there are good films, there are enjoyable films and there are ones that you can just barely call, films.

Watching a 3D film goes to a higher new level of picture quality, graphic animation, was definitely the best part of this experience, the story line it self carried no new dimensions , a man, a woman, a bad guy, lots of action, a pep speech, Eco-friendly themes, divine interventions and ofcourse fresh new starts.
I love fresh new starts, i really do, i believe in them, i believe that what ever mistakes you've done , as many wrong choices as you could ever take , you're always entitled for a fresh start and if any film tells you otherwise, just look the other way.

The crucial question here is, does it deserve all the attention, the money that has been pouring, and still is (thanks partly to me!), and the appraisal by film critics, yes, film critics. i wonder which performance i didn't see caught their eyes. But this film is not about performance, it's about what computers has for the future.

But it's like trying to say that Cannes festival sucks, you can't say that, it's Cannes, with a festival, how can that ever be not great!
In other words, it's James Cameron, ok, JC , and he says that this is the best 3D film yet, enough said!

Bottom line , you will be seeing this film anyways, and whether you will like it or won't ( Highly unlikely), you may find your self telling other people that this was probably the best film you went to, why? if you have the answer , let me know!

Friday, January 22, 2010

The Unforgiven

Silence was heavily practiced amongst them .... they've chosen to walk down the path of indifference
In their land they called it friendship, as they prefer not to endure pain, alone .
He had no doubts, it's soon to be done with, it's soon to be dead, numbness replaces pain, rest assured , you won't feel pain anymore .
As they walked together, no words were exchanged, their lips were sealed, he reached to his pocket , making sure that it's still there ... it was still there, he thought to him self, with relief .

They were walking towards that rock on the cliff, they call it the rock of hopes, although not so many hopes were seen arising from it , perhaps it contained so many hopes within and thus it became motionless, one would wonder .

He thought that forgiveness is the answer to all wounds, he was probably afraid of what anger may inflict on him, but love found no words, he now knows, he now realized that he was consumed, forgiveness kept no anger and preserved no love. he wanted to cry but knew that he had no tears left. he looked at the rock of hopes and wondered how many hopes of his it had, he remembers one, he hoped for this day never comes, but we only hope not what we fear .

He thought that he was unfortunate, constant battles day in and day out, he had to stand up for his ideals, he must not back down, as this will be the last day of his life. he hoped for someone to understand him, asking nothing in return but to be there when he requires. he had no love and no anger, as he approached the rock, he felt ... nothing, he has to do it, he can not back down, this must be finished.

As they stood there, they couldn't look into each other eyes, it was time. he pulled it out of his pocket, and without seeing, he pushed it towards him .... it's done.

It took him a few minutes to bring his breaths down, before he can finally open his eyes and look towards him, and as he turned his head, he saw ... nothing. he was not there, he jumped like a mad man, running around the cliff in circular movements, and while he was in the in process of losing his mind, he glimpsed an old man sitting under an old oak tree few yards away, he hesitated a bit before he finally decided to go towards him, slowly approaching him he didn't know how to ask him.
"He's gone" the old man said without looking at him
"pardon, what did you say?" he uttered
"your friend, he's gone"
"he's not my friend ... what do you mean gone?"
"you never cared to look at him, he left you down the road, you were standing at the cliff alone the whole time" the man said with a smile on his face

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

غابة الضعفاء

.... حدثني بوجه شابه الطول ، وبنبرة لا تقل طولا " أحببتها" ثم صمت
لا تصمت الان ، فقد نفذ صبري وسيستطيل وجهي أنا أيضا ان طال صمتك ، أردفت متذمرا
مسح بيده رأسه ، نظر بعينين غاربتين ، وأنفاسه زفير بلا شهيق ، بدا نحيلا ضعيفا ، جسد بلا روح ، " أحببتها" . لم يعبر بكثير من الكلمات ، ظل جالسا في سكون مميت، يمر الوقت بطيئا الليلة ، وهو ينحدر سريعا داخل مملكة الأحزان ، لن أستطيع انقاذه ، بائس اخر
لن أستطيع انقاذه ، يجب أن أتوقف عن النظر اليه .... قد يتمكن العطف مني ... لم أشاركه خطأه ... فليسقط وحيدا ، لن أذهب هناك مرة أخرى ، فقد سقطت وحيدا ، لا أحد يتبعك الى هناك ، الجميع يسقط وحيدا
التقطت أصابعه وأخذت بجره عبر شوارع المدينة مسرعا ، سأحاول أن أنقله الى الشطر الشمالي من مدينتنا ، فشوارع الشطر الجنوبي تميل ليلا نحو الجحيم
لقد أقسمت ألا أنقذ أحدا، عندما سقطت وحيدا ، أقسمت ألا أنقذ أحدا

كان القمر لا يزال يراقبنا ، اقتربنا ، تفصلنا بضعة أمتار عن أشجار غابة الضعفاء ، سأتركه هنا الليلة ، ستتساقط عليه فواكه النسيان في الصباح ، وقد يرتشف بضع رشفات من نهر الغضب ، سيشعر ببعض التحسن ، سيغضب .. ثم ...... ينسى



تسأل نفسك كل ليلة , متى ينتهي رحيلك؟ متى تلملم نفسك أشلائها ؟ متى ستتوقف عن النظر بعيدا دون أن تتمكن من النظر؟
هناك في أحد زواياك المظلمة, ستجد حقيبتك, تنتظر بصبر مقيت, لحظة التقاطها
تسألك غيوم سمائك الملبدة ضرورة, أما افتدقت شمسك الرؤوم
تنهض مبكرا, تتناول ثيابك وتخرج للركض, تذهب بعيدا و تتسارع أنفاسك , تعود الى نقطة البداية , عليك أن تعود من حيث بدأت , ببساطة
الجميع يعودون من حيث بدأوا

ولكنك اليوم ترفض أن تنصاع لقانون وضعه أحدهم, ترفض أن تكون مثل الجميع
هناك درب يمر بين الحقول , لم تسلكه يوما, لن يوصلك الى أي مكان مألوف لديك , خلايا الأمان في جسدك تبعث شعورا بعدم الألفة و....والخوف , لطالما كانت هذه الخلايا عونك ونصيحك متى احتجت العون والنصيح
عليك أن تعود ... لا بل ستمضي ..... لن تعود....... ستمضي ,